The role of the Global Fund New Funding Model:

The Global Fund New Funding Model has also shifted the dynamics of engagement with PWUD in Afghanistan. The Communities, Rights and Gender component of the Global Fund New Funding Model has been an important mechanism for setting standards for the meaningful engagement of key populations and women during the development of the Global Fund HIV Concept Note (CN). The feedback from the GF about the weak involvement of key populations, and the risk this posed to the CN being approved, provided an entry point for the dialogue around the meaningful participation of PWUD with the Afghanistan National AIDS Control Programme (NACP).

Bridge Hope and Health Organisation and Coact Partnership

Coact Partner, Mat Southwell, providing voluntary leadership coaching to Raheem in 2012 and this was described in a Memorandum of Understanding. The goal was to build Raheem’s capacity and also to look for opportunities to promote drug user organising and the meaningful participation of PWUD in Afghanistan.